Tesco’s Planning Appeal Fails

"GOOD NEWS - The Council's decision to refuse Tesco permission to build a superstore at the ex-Smith's Industries site has been upheld by the Planning Inspector," reports Brian Gurden.
Having considered evidence from ASDA and retail consultants from both Tesco's and the Council, he has decided to dismiss Tesco's appeal because he considered that there would be a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of the nearby Brighton Hill District Centre.
In May 2011 your Lib Dem Focus team carried out a residents' survey. Of the 1,500 residents who replied, over 1,100 residents didn't want Tesco!
"My concern was that Tesco would take away vital trade from the Brighton Hill Centre and nearby local shops could have been forced to close", said Brian. "I'm delighted that the Planning Inspector has dismissed Tesco's appeal and I'd like to thank the very many residents who filled in our survey, and all those who wrote to the Council stating their objections."