Tesco Fails To Impress
"Tesco has failed to impress both the County Council's highway engineers and the Borough Council's retail consultant with its planning application for a new superstore on the former Smiths Industries site. Both have serious concerns about the viability of Tesco's application," reports councillor Doris Jones.
County highway engineers have written to the Borough Council planners recommending that the Tesco application should be refused because:-
- in its present condition the road network is not suitable to cope with the range and volume of transport likely to be generated by Tesco's proposal;
- the use of the proposed access on to The Harrow Way and the A30 Winchester Rd would be likely to cause undue interference with the safety and convenience of other road user
Tesco's proposals fail to make best use of opportunities to reduce reliance on the car, resulting in an unacceptable increase in the number and length of car journeys.
"What is clear is that Tesco's proposed highway changes will not improve traffic flows. Indeed traffic queues are likely to get worse!" said councillor Doris Jones.
Tesco's highway consultants are reviewing their plans and the County's comments to find ways to overcome the County Council's objections.

The Council's retail consultants have raised
serious concerns about Tesco's application for
a new supermarket at the former Smith's
Industries site.
They've carefully examined Basingstoke's convenience goods expenditure and floor space and believe there's not sufficient capacity to support a new Tesco store. They believe there's clear evidence there'd be reduced footfall and lower spend at Tesco Chineham and at ASDA.
"This would damage both centres' ability to attract new operators in the future. Our local shopping parades need to stay vibrant, we don't want to see empty units." says cllr Doris Jones.
If Tesco's application is approved however, then Basingstoke planners are required to consult with the Secretary of State for a final decision because the application is for a store with more than 5,000 square metres floor space.
Basingstoke planners have given a copy of the retail consultant's report to Tesco inviting them to respond.