Speeding Along - Black Dam Way

In June the County Council Highways Department carried out speed tests in Grove Road and Black
Dam Way. Speeds were measured continuously over seven days at two locations.
In Black Dam Way near Holbein Close, 1 in 7 vehicles exceeded 37 mph. Whilst in Grove Road,
60 metres west of Whistler Close, 1 in 7 vehicles exceeded 39 mph.
These speeds are very much in line with those measured by the Borough Council a few years ago.
At that time, due to reduced budgets and the lack of personal injury accidents, the Borough Council
decided that speeding in Grove Road was low priority.
County Council Highway officers have decided to review Grove Road speeding at its quarterly
highway issues meeting in September. It is at this meeting that issues are prioritised. "Hopefully
this time speeding will be taken more seriously and action taken before someone gets injured",
reports councillor Ron Hussey. We will keep you informed.