Risk of Serious Injury!

The owners of the Brighton Hill centre recently applied for permission to remodel the car park
at ASDA and the Health Centre. They claim that whilst the car park is adequate most days,
there are occasions when it becomes overcrowded. They wanted to create 18 additional spaces.
Their solution was to reduce the width of the pedestrian crossing link to Brighton Hill Way and
change the 'disabled bays' in front of the Health Centre. Kevin Harkess and John Barnes wrote
to planning officers to object
about reduced safety for pedestrians and inadequate disabled parking provision.
Residents also signed a petition objecting to the increased risk of serious injury to pedestrians,
including Brighton Hill School children.
Councillor Harkess presented the petition to the Full Council in July.
Planning officers advised the owners of the objections.
Good news. The owners have withdrawn their application.
However they're likely to amend the plans and re-apply. We'll remain vigilant and keep you informed.