Manydown Deal Done

The Borough Council’s Liberal Democrat-Independent Cabinet has signed a landmark deal to kick-start work to build thousands of new homes at Manydown.
Now that this important milestone has been reached, it is hoped that construction work can start on the north Manydown land as soon as next year.
The site, just north of Basingstoke, has outline planning permission for a new community of up to 3,520 new homes, a 250-acre countryside park, two primary schools with land reserved for a potential secondary school, two local centres, businesses, shops and community facilities.
County Councillor Gavin James said: “Getting the Manydown deal done has been one of our top priorities as a Cabinet since we took control last year. It’s great that so much progress has been made so quickly, after years of delays by the previous Conservative administration.
“It’s an exciting time– after decades of unnecessary waiting, we now have the opportunity to bring much needed new homes to our town.
“Now that the deal is signed, our next job is to start building on the site. We want to begin working on some of the supporting infrastructure, such as the roads, first. Ideally this will start happening in 2025”.