Lib Dem Scheme to Boost Affordable Housing in Basingstoke

The Council has agreed to see how they can implement proposals from the Lib Dems that could boost the local economy,
create jobs and increase the number of affordable homes for local families.
Developers already have planning permission to build 1000 homes in the borough, but are not building them.
Lib Dems successfully argued that by offering a guarantee to purchase properties not sold on the open market, developers would build sooner.
Any properties purchased by the local authority would be used for affordable rent to help those on the housing waiting list.
It is expected that the scheme could potentially create hundreds of construction jobs for local people.
Councillor Brian Gurden says, "At a time whenthe Council's housing waitinglist has increased from
4,000to over 6,000 in the last 2years, this initiative will helpfamilies get much neededhomes".