Improving Road Safety

Inappropriate parking at road junctions and near schools can cause difficult for both pedestrians and motorists.
County Council Highways is therefore about to propose parking restrictions in a number of roads in South Ham.
The first stage will be for the Council to advertise these proposals in the Gazette and on street
light columns so that residents can give their views.
Highway officers will then take account of residents' views before finalising their proposals.
This is a lengthy process and could take up to six months. The proposals are:-
Paddock Road Area
The road has a history of injury accidents. On-street parking may have been a contributory factor.
The Council plans to formalise parking areas and prohibit parking at bends and junctions.
Pinkerton Road / St Michaels Road
To help deter inappropriate parking near the Park View Schools and provide an enforceable
restriction to replace the advisory 'School Keep Clear' markings.
Pinkerton Road / St Andrews Road
To regulate the school time parking in St Andrews Road and guard against potential on-street
parking near to the possible surgery site. The scheme also looks to keep the carriageway free
from parked cars by the rear entrance to Aldworth Science College. The Stag Hill junction is also
Carpenters Court
Parking controls are proposed to improve sight lines and keep dropped kerbs clear.
St Pauls Road / Kings Road
Improve safety in St Pauls Road (a local bus route) and at its junction with Kings Road.
Sandys Road junctions
To address road safety concerns where parking too close to junctions impedes sight line visibility.
Salisbury Gardens / Old Worting Road junction
To maintain sight lines exiting from Salisbury Gardens into Old Worting Road - busy local route.