Hampshire Tories’ £223,000 Vanity Project

A recommendation backed by Hampshire Conservative Leader Ken Thornber to spend nearly £1/4million on web-broadcasting County Council and Cabinet meetings has been blasted as a waste of public money and a stab in the back for library and bus users facing cuts in services.
That's the retort of Lib Dem County Councillor Brian Gurden to the stunning news that the County's Building Land and Procurement Panel plans to spend £223,000 installing a new Audio and Visual System in the Council Chamber and Committee Rooms.
"Book borrowers, bus users and all others facing services axed by Hampshire Conservatives will be as shocked and distressed as I am at this conceited project, just to hear and see Ken Thornber and his team", said Councillor Brian Gurden..
"We want transparent and open government. But considering that a BBC reporter was chucked out of the Council Chamber in February for daring to bring a camera into the room, there seem to be double-standards applying here. If the BBC, ITV or any national or local newspapers want to report our proceedings they should be made welcome, but we don't need to spend taxpayers' money doing this."
For further information please contact
County Councillor Brian Gurden