Getting Ready For Winter

Who can forget last winter! Whilst the major routes were gritted
several times, many motorists couldn't get out of their own roads
due to ice and snow.
The ice and snow also broke up road surfaces leaving literally
hundreds of pot holes across the town.
Whilst many pot holes and road surface defects have been made
good, some areas still need attention before they are made worse
by more ice and snow this winter.
Ron Hussey and Steve Day have recently reported problems at:-
Cranbourne Lane/Bessemer Road junction,
Ross Close/Sheppard Road junction,
Kingsmill Road/Sheppard Road junction,
Chandler Road
Neville Close
Rucstall bridge/Black Dam Way junction
If there's a pot hole in your road please let us know. And we'll get
it repaired before the cold winter weather starts.