Down Grange Playing Fields

The proposal to build 100 houses on part of Down Grange Playing
Fields/Open Space overlooks many key factors including:
- this open space is well used by many local residents.
- the impact of up to 200 more cars at peak times on Brighton Hill roundabout.
- access problems onto the A30 and Pack Lane.
There are several areas identified for housing in the Council's
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) which the Tories refuse to remove.
As a result there will more town cramming and more towering
blocks of flats with more traffic congestion in residential areas.
The Tories are even proposing to build flats on some of our town
centre car parks (see our KOPS campaign on our home page).
As the County Councillor for South Ham I'm opposed to the loss of
the open space at Down Grange!
Cllr Ron Hussey