Don't Lose Your Voice

Local residents are being encouraged to check they are registered to vote in next years local elections and referendum on voting reform. The Council is completing their annual canvas of the borough to update the electoral register.
Lib Dem group leader Gavin James has told the (insert) that this years canvas is more important than ever.
"Some people may not register as they think their vote doesn't count. Next year there is a referendum to change our out of date system. You will only have a say if you are registered."
He also warned that those not registering could impact on the whole area. The Boundary commission will use the numbers from this year's electoral register when they calculate the new boundaries for parliamentary elections.
"the coalition is cutting the number of politicians, 50 fewer MPs, This could see Basingstoke, North West Hants or North East Hants being merged or swallowed by other seats if residents don't register."
The local Councillor who represents the Eastrop Ward says "not being on the electoral register can affect your access to credit as well as not being able to vote in elections. It is really important." Cllr Gavin James says "I know officers have worked really hard since the summer to make sure forms are sent out as well as reminders. However they are finding it difficult to access some flats to remind everyone to register as much as they would like"
Residents who have not registered to vote can still do so until 22nd November. Existing residents can do this on-line at or by freephone 0800 1974414. However new residents will need to complete a form from the Council by calling 01256 845355 or 01256 845507
Details are also posted at