Cuts to Road Improvements - Eastrop

Schemes to improve our roads are facing long delays after the Tory controlled County Council raided the budget.
After cutting the road repairs budget over recent years the Highways department could not keep pace with the cracks and holes appearing in local roads.
The problems got worse after the winter. The Liberal Democrats reported hundreds of pot holes in Basingstoke.
However instead of pumping extra money into Highways, the Tories have raided money set aside for improvements such as re-surfacing and road safety alterations.
Local councillors now face a long battle to get the pinch point removed from London Road.
County Councillor Ron Hussey says "The Tories can spend £4.5m on marketing when their roads are in a state. They clearly have the wrong priorities."
Fortunately, Eastfield Avenue was completed just before the axe fell on larger schemes.