Brighton Hill Roundabout - new proposals to be revealed
Hampshire County highway engineers have considered four options to tackle the congestion at Brighton Hill roundabout. They are now preparing charts and drawings to start public consultation this September.
The options are:
Option 1 - to install traffic lights at all junctions. Engineers say there are too many access roads and this limits capacity and traffic flow. This proposal would close access for traffic exiting Western Way and divert it with a new road through the Camrose football ground onto Winchester Road. The roundabout would also be made smaller to add an extra traffic lane on the roundabout. The traffic signals would include crossings for pedestrians and cyclists and the subways would also be retained.
Option 2 - to adopt the Tesco proposal for a 'through-about' (similar to Black Dam roundabout) with signalised junctions.
Option 3 - the Tesco proposal and in addition, closed access from Western Way.
Option 4 - a flyover. This option requires much more land, would have much higher costs and be more disruptive to implement.
Engineers have looked at traffic growth up to 2031 and the impact across the whole road network for each option. Option 1 produced the best traffic flow with the biggest increase in capacity and the best reductions in congestion.
Residents will be consulted on the four options in September, and we expect a decision to be made in November. Assuming everything goes to plan, work could begin in 2020.
It's important that you have your say on this important development. You local Liberal Democrat team - Cllrs Gavin James, Ron Hussey and John McKay, as well as Andy Konieczko - will keep you informed of progress.