Basingstoke Lib Dems condemn lack of unity over threat to children's centres
Liberal Democrats on Basingstoke and Deane took the unusual step of voting for both a Labour and Conservative motion on the future of children centres at the Full Council meeting on 31st March.

Liberal Democrat Group Leader Councillor Gavin James explained:
"Liberal Democrats are disappointed that the other parties decided electioneering was more important than putting people first. You just get the sense that both other parties are more interested in putting out leaflet saying 'the other party didn't back our motion, aren't they awful'. In reality neither of the two motions were worded perfectly but the sentiments of both could be supported."
"The Labour motion was quite right in opposing the current Conservative-run County Council plans for closure of 10 out of 11 local children centres. The Conservative motion offered a way forward recognising that the services are likely to change in any event. It's important we as a Council work closely with County to make sure we develop the best possible service we can for the people of Basingstoke and Deane."
"Liberal Democrats want the entire Council to unite in saying the current proposals will have a devastating impact but, that we don't just want to oppose the proposals, we want to change them."
"Several Liberal Democrat Councillors spoke during the debate about their personal experience about the vital support children centres provide. There is no training manual on how to be a parent and the children centres offer invaluable support to both parents and young children. Often a bit of support for parents can avoid situations getting worse and families ending up in Crisis. The County Council is wrong to think that their current proposals are going to save money as in the long term, families will find themselves in deeper crises, and require a greater level of intervention. We will continue to oppose the County's current proposals, however, we will work to review how children centres operated to see if real savings can be made and to make sure the service is evolving to meet the needs of residence today."