Approval Recommended for new Vitacress plan

A planning application by Vitacress for changes to their premises at
Lower Link Farm, Hurstbourne Priors, will be considered by the
Development Committee of Basingstoke & Deane Borough
Council at a special meeting on Thursday 2 September 2010.
The plan is described as:
Erection of 3 intake bays,
9 dispatch bays and a storage area adjoining main building;
Erection of agricultural and vehicle workshop following demolition of existing;
Relocation of existing and provision of new plant and equipment;
Implementation of a scheme of lighting and landscaping improvements.
BDBC Planning Officers are recommending, subject to a
reference to the Secretary of State, that permission should be
granted. This is in view of the existing established agricultural /
industrial use on this site, the business case and the locational
justification for the proposal.